L’actualité des experts de l’immunodiffusion radiale
GTP Immuno will attend the 5th France Bioproduction Congress, June 17-18 & 22-23, 2021
Polepharma and Medicen Paris Region have decided to co-organize the 5th Edition of the Bioproduction Congress in order to bring together the decision-makers and pharmaceutical bioproduction actors from France and Europe to meet again for two days of conferences and...
GTP Immuno will attend the 9th BEBPA HCP CONFERENCE, May 17-19, 2021.
GTP Immuno WILL ATTEND THE 9TH BEBPA HCP CONFERENCE, MAY 17-19, 2021. BioPharmaceutical Emerging Best Practices Association (BEBPA) is a non-profit organization managed by and for the benefit of the biopharmaceutical scientific community. 9th annual HCP Conference...
Do you use a suitable generic HCP ELISA kit to secure your Bioproduct?
In early stages of biotherapeutic development, generic HCP ELISA’s are an easy-to-use solution to quantify HCP content in DS and show HCP clearance through the DSP. However, reliable HCP quantification can be biased by the use of non-validated generic ELISAs. If...
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GTP Immuno participera aux Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting – 2ème édition 11-12 & 18-19 mars 2021
La 2ème édition des Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting se tiendra les 11-12 & 18-19 mars 2021 Les Journées POLEPHARMA du Biotesting ont pour objectif de réunir plus de 200 décideurs et acteurs de la recherche publique et privée pour évoquer les enjeux du Biotesting...
GTP Immuno will attend the 7th BEBPA HCP CONFERENCE, May 15-17, 2019, SAN PEDRO, CA
BEBPA provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific issues and problems encountered in the biopharmaceutical community. The aim of this open discussion is to promote development of innovative approaches and solutions thus...
GTP Immuno will attend BioProcess International Europe 2019, April 2–4th, Vienna, Austria
BioProcess International Europe has earned its reputation as the leading and largest European bioprocessing industry event. It is a key time each year when the industry connects to share new ideas and innovations across all phases of bioprocessing: from cell line...
GTP Immuno participera au 6ème Antibody Industrial Symposium (AIS 2018)
The 6th Antibody Industrial Symposium (AIS2018), organized by LabEx MAbImprove and MabDesign, will take place on June 25-26, 2018 at the CORUM Congress Center in Montpellier, France. This year edition is dedicated to TARGETS FOR MABS: Innovative Approaches for their...
GTP Immuno participera à la Conférence HCP 2018 organisée par le BEBPA
GTP Immuno participera à la 6ème Conférence Annuelle HCP organisée par le BEBPA Cet événement permettra de faire le point sur les derniers développements techniques au sujet de la détection et de la caractérisation des HCP. Les points suivants seront notamment abordés...
GTP Immuno devient membre de Mabdesign
MabDesign est une association créée en novembre 2014 par la volonté commune de cinq pôles de compétitivité en santé, de trois leaders industriels français de l’industrie pharmaceutique et de l’État. Elle est le fruit de leur constat partagé sur la dimension...
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